Sunday, September 14, 2014

Kuitman remixes an a capella singer "Give it up"

This is pretty amazing.  He used random snippets of YouTube videos as accompaniment for this original a capella song he also found on YouTube.  None of them knew each other and the snippets had nothing to do with her song until he patched them together.

Her reaction:

Friday, September 12, 2014

To study zebras, start with their butts


The study of zebra behaviour starts with staring at their butts.
zebra butts.jpg
Like a fingerprint, each zebra has unique markings on it’s butt.
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Of course the stripes on their sides are also individually unique

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don't forget the compassion!

 a meditation class in mindfulness

... traditional Buddhist meditation has two objectives: to become more compassionate, and gain insight into the true nature of reality. But meditating to gain compassion seems to have got lost in translation.   LINK

Hey you don't even have to be Buddhist to do that!