Sunday, February 21, 2016

World Press Photo Of The Year


Australian photographer Warren Richardson has won the coveted World Press Photo of the Year award – the most prestigious prize in photography.
“There were about 200 Syrians hiding in an apple tree farm, looking for a way to get across the border,” he said. “I stuck with them for about four hours and they were playing cat and mouse with the police, being gassed by the police with pepper spray. The police were yelling out: ‘Don’t come to Hungary illegally – if you get here we’re going to arrest you’.

“I knew what they had to do [to cross the border], so when they had to be quiet, I had to be quiet. " ...  I literally had to take the lens up, keep it at a certain distance and just hope for luck to get a decent picture because it was so dark. It was a full moon that night, so the light in the picture is basically moonlight.”