Sunday, April 16, 2017

The 3 Putlitzer music finalists were all female

Here are selections from this year's (2017) Pulitzer Prize finalists for music.

I saw the point made that women's compositions comprise less than 2% of major orchestras' concerts in any year. The complaint may be valid, but the statistic is inapplicable. We need to know -- of the new compositions being played -- how many new works are female vs. male composers.

Ashley Fure, "Soma" (Her nominated work is not online)

Kate Soper, "Ipsa Dixit"

and the winner... Du Yun, "Angel's Bone" (an excerpt)

New Yorker has a stronger case for evidence of bias against women composers. LINK

I have to say Du Yun is a spectacular composer. Give her a listen on YouTube and you may end up buying everything she's published.