Saturday, December 29, 2012

I miss Rob Hartley, the psychiatrist

That guy was a talk-it-out psychiatrist.   Not like today’s psychopharmacologists.


This article explains why you don’t find Robert Hartleys any more.
Main reason: psychopharmacologists (today’s psychiatrists) can see 3 patients an hour while Hartley could only see one.    Talk sessions last an hour.   Pill prescription sessions only last 20 minutes.

Read the whole article before you ever take any medicine for depression, anxiety, restless legs, binge eating, or any of the other disorders the drug industry shoehorned their brain drugs into.    (My link goes to the 2nd page of the 2nd part of the article.   here’s the link to Page 1 of Part 1: LINK)


So, who do you think is behind this ad?    Could it be a pill-selling psychiatrist?   Or the pharmaceutical industry?




OK.  So I looked up the 1800 number.  NARSAD appears to not be just a tool of the pharmaceutical industry.  LINK 

Fine.   But Bob Hartley would never blame it all on chemistry.

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