Monday, March 18, 2013

Is college football profitable?

Unless the alumni is contributing to other school programs on football weekends, then the answer is no.

Here are the numbers.    Less than half the BCS schools have a football team that turns a profit.  The other half turn a loss and do not support ANY other athletic teams at the school.

And that was the BCS, which is the richest football schools with the big TV and bowl revenues.

Here are the numbers.  

Example:  you think Marshall University turns a profit on football?   They have a big stadium and win a lot of games so you would think they're turning a profit.    No, they don't.   Click on the Marshall row and you'll see they would have a $7Million loss if it wasn't for the $8,194,567 the school contributes to the athletic department. 


  1. When college football programs are faced with unwanted turmoil, no one wins. Fans are wounded, reputations marred, and promising young athletes and coaches' future career plans become uncertain.

    1. I don't know what "unwanted turmoil" has to do with my point about most football programs being unprofitable, but since you're the first comment ever I'll say congrats!
