Monday, March 11, 2013

Wash Post Article: How many people do you know who have been shot?

Mark Hummels was shot in a Phoenix office building on Jan. 30. He died the next day. Hummels was a lawyer mediating a legal dispute between his client, Steven Singer, and Arthur Harmon, an independent contractor. Harmon brought a gun to the meeting and shot and killed Hummels and Singer and wounded a woman. He then drove to a parking lot and killed himself.

Roger Hartley, a friend of Hummels’s, was asked to write an appreciation of him for the Tucson Weekly. Hartley, a political science professor who lives in Asheville, N.C., was thinking about what to write when he realized that with Hummels’s death, he knew nine people who had been killed or injured by guns. He decided to post that on Facebook and ask his friends: “Please answer how many people you have known (people you’ve talked to) who have been the victims of gun violence? Suicide, accidental, murder… otherwise. No politics. … No judgment. Just a number.”    [MORE]

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