Saturday, February 23, 2013

Anthrax followup

Who was responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks during the Iraq War run-up which killed 5 and infected another 17 at newspapers and Congressional offices?    Right now Wikipedia sympathizes with Steven Hatfill and implicates Bruce Edwards Ivins.   Both were bio-weapons researchers at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

Wiki on Hatfill:
Steven Jay Hatfill (born October 24, 1953) is an American physician, virologist and bio-weapons expert who underwent what was considered by many[who?] to be a trial by media with great toll on his personal and professional life. After eight months of pressure from the media and amateur detectives, the US Department of Justice identified the former government scientist as a "person of interest" in its investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks.
My favorite part of that intro is the inclusion of the phrase "amateur detectives".    It almost appears he wrote the article himself.   But nobody would dare accuse him of that, considering he sued a few publications for $10M for defamation.

Wiki on Ivins:
Bruce Edwards Ivins (April 22, 1946 – July 29, 2008)[1] was an American microbiologist, vaccinologist,[1] senior biodefense researcher at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, Maryland and the key suspect in the 2001 anthrax attacks.[2]
 He died after a Tylenol overdose in 2008.  

I blogged these passages because I expect Wikipedia to continue migrating towards uncertainty regarding this. 

I'm not a 9/11 "truther".    I think if US operatives arranged the 9/11 attacks, the conspirators would have exposed each other by now.    But I do think the anthrax attacks demonstrate what individuals in our government are capable of doing to our own citizens for their own political purposes.    The investigation has been flawed and it is suspicious the government has destroyed anthrax samples which could have helped with the investigation.    I do not think the anthrax attack was from a single person.   I think it was from a group who wanted to make sure Al Qaeda was blamed and the US would retaliate.

Oh, and one last thing.    The congressional aide who opened the anthrax letter?  She was a frequent babysitter for Alyson and me when she was in high school.   Nice girl and I'm glad she's OK and is having a great career.

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