Monday, February 25, 2013

Charles Krafft, "teach the controversy"

Everybody thought Charlie Krafft, the Seattle ceramicist who became skilled in Delftware, was kidding with his Hitler teapot and other assorted "disasterware".

his AK-47.

 And his canister of anthrax:

He had claimed he was ironic.
I’ve always had a knack and a penchant for going toward humorous irony. I can’t control myself, I really can’t put the brakes on.” 
Maybe he still is ironic.   But now it's turned out he also claims to be a White Nationalist:
"I believe the Holocaust is a myth," and that the myth is "being used to promote multiculturalism and globalism." [...] "The Jews have gotten white people to turn against themselves," [...] "I drifted into white nationalism as a result of reading a book...."
And already he has his defenders who claim the Seattle "do-gooders" are overreacting.

It looks to me like he's just bored and pleased at the attention.

I expect this to get worse.   Both he and his critics will behave poorly.    There will be broken pottery before this is done, mark my words.   There will be potshards.

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