Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why Brain Training is probably pernicious hogwash

excerpts from Matt Wall at
The only treadmill your brain should be on is a hedonic one.

So-called brain-training tools seem to have exploded in the last few years; one estimate puts it at a $6 billion market by 2020. It’s clearly become a major industry, but what’s less clear is exactly what it does, and if it even works. ...
a bewildering array of businesses starting up, making all kinds of wild claims, and playing on the fears of educators and parents...
 Some of them even seem to cater to businesses who want their employees to do these ‘exercises’. ....
...a quick glance at their Scientific Advisory Board is pretty revealing – I count only one (clinical) psychologist, and a grab-bag of other professionals – mostly teachers (qualified to Masters level) with an optometrist, a chemical engineer and an audiologist. Not a single neuroscientist, and only a few qualified at doctorate level. ....
... you could even try and get your kid to (Heaven forfend!) read the odd book now and again.

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